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Miami Personal Injury & Property Damage Attorneys

Where Do Most Slip and Fall Accidents Take Place?

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In many cases our Miami slip and fall lawyers handle, our clients were hurt in grocery stores, restaurants, and parking lots. But why is that? We’ll explain some of the common safety issues in cases like these. We will also briefly touch on the damages your personal injury attorney in Miami will demand on your behalf.

Why Do So Many People Slip and Fall at a Store?

One of the reasons so many of our clients slip and fall at a grocery or department store is that it can be hard to keep these places safe. Even the most diligent of store managers may have a difficult time keeping their floors and aisle clear of water and debris.

Another reason why grocery stores are a common location for slip and fall accidents is due to the nature of the products they sell there. When a store sells clothing or luggage, it is a lot easier to keep things clean and safe. However, when you are selling juice, candy, and ice cream, it doesn’t take much to create a safety hazard.

Spills Are Common in Restaurants and Bars

A lot of people slip and fall in restaurants and bars as well. These places are notorious for being messy. By the end of the night, the floors in any restaurant or bar can be slippery, slick, and wet. Under Florida Statute 768.0755, businesses can be held liable if they don’t clean up spills within a reasonable amount of time.

Of course, when people slip and fall at a bar, and even some restaurants, the defendant likes to claim that they were drunk. Our personal injury attorneys in Miami will fight to prove that you were not to blame.  Even if you are partially at fault, Florida law allows you to recover compensation.

Many Cases Involve Sidewalks, Driveways, and Parking Lots

Ice, snow, or rainfall can make parking lots and sidewalks slippery. Driveways are also hotbeds for slip and fall accidents. If people don’t shovel and de-ice their property after winter storms, pedestrians can fall and get seriously hurt.

How Does Your Personal Injury Attorney in Miami Prove Your Slip and Fall Case?

It is not enough to say that you fell on someone else’s property. Your Miami slip and fall lawyer will need to prove that the property owner was negligent.

Your attorney will need to demonstrate the following:

  • The defendant owned, occupied, or was leasing the property.
  • There was a dangerous condition on the property.
  • The property owner knew about the dangerous condition or would have known about the dangerous condition if they were taking care of the property.
  • The property owner failed to fix the condition or take adequate measures to warn visitors.
  • You were injured because of the safety hazard on the property.

What Kind of Damages Can Your Miami Slip and Fall Lawyer Demand?

If your Miami slip and fall lawyer is able to prove negligence, then you will more than likely be entitled to damages. Depending on the nature and extent of your injuries, you will be entitled to some or all of the following:

  • Medical Bills and Future Medical Treatment
  • Lost Wages and Lost Future Income
  • Pain and Suffering

To receive any of these damages, your personal injury attorney in Miami must prove that you experienced each type of loss mentioned. For example, you can’t expect to receive damages for lost wages if you weren’t working at the time of your slip and fall.

There’s a Good Chance Your Personal Injury Attorney in Miami Will Settle Your Case

There are several reasons why you should consider retaining an experienced personal injury attorney in Miami. Obviously, they know the law. They know what it takes to prove your case and get you the compensation you deserve.

However, your Miami slip and fall lawyer also has extensive experience negotiating with insurance companies. They will work hard to settle your case, so you don’t have to deal with the stress and expense of a trial.

This is why we suggest you contact our team at Klotzman Law Firm as soon as possible. We offer all new clients a free, initial consultation.

Scott Klotzman

Written By Scott Klotzman


Scott is passionate about holding insurance companies accountable. As the Founder of Klotzman Law Firm, he fulfills his dream of helping people and making a difference. After earning his undergraduate degree, Scott worked at a top NYC law firm before attending Quinnipiac University School of Law, where he earned his degree and met his wife, Nancy.

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