Florida Theft Damage Insurance Claims Lawyer

As a property owner, you may be constantly worrying about any type of theft on your property. Whether you are a commercial or residential property owner, you need to make sure that you are fully protected from burglaries and theft. A Klotzman Law Firm Miami theft lawyer may be exactly what you need to regain your peace of mind.
If you are worried about bringing charges to the alleged thief, we are here to help. With our extensive experience in property law, we can make sure that you are protected. This way, the alleged thief will be guilty of their crimes. Call us now at 954-915-7405 and let us represent you in the event of property damage or theft in Miami, Florida today.
Types of Property Theft
Over the years, we have handled different types of theft and property offenses in Florida. Feel free to contact Klotzman Law Firm today if you have experienced any of the following types of theft in Miami, Fl.
Petit Theft
Also referred to as petty theft, this refers to minor or figuratively small crimes against your property. These crimes are classified based on the value of the property stolen. In Florida, petit theft is any offense where the value of the property stolen is less than $300.
Shoplifting and Retail Theft
Most people assume that shoplifting is not a serious offense. However, it can become a felony if the value of the stolen property surpasses a specific amount. This type of property theft includes the following.
- Carrying away or taking possession of the property, merchandise, negotiable documents, and money.
- Removing or altering a label, price tag, universal product code, or transferring merchandise from one container to the other
- Removing a shopping cart with the intention of depriving the retailer of the possession, benefit, use, and full retail value.
It refers to the unlawful and willful destruction of property by explosion or fire. Arson is a serious offense because it threatens the safety of people and may cause commercial property damage or damage to residential areas. An arsonist may face serious jail time depending on the type of property damaged or if the arson was committed during a felony and much more. Fire damage can ruin lives even if no one is injured.
It refers to when a malicious third party goes into someone’s property to perpetrate an offense, especially stealing. When proving a burglary case, a property damage attorney in Florida needs to prove that a third party entered someone else’s structure, conveyance, or dwelling. Additionally, they need to prove that the third party had the intention of perpetrating a crime.
Criminal Mischief
It refers to an offense that happens between family members, neighbors, or family friends thereby escalating into violence. Criminal mischief may not result in bodily harm to the individual, it may result in serious penalties. In most criminal mischief cases, there is considerable harm and destruction of personal property. It may include graffiti or other types of vandalism.
Grand Theft
It refers to the illegal use or taking possession of someone’s property worth more than $300. To prove grand theft, property damage attorneys have to prove the following.
- Perpetrator illegally and knowingly took, used to endeavor to use, or take another person’s property.
- That the property in question was worth at least $300.
- That the perpetrator had the intention of keeping the property in question from the owner temporarily or permanently.
It refers to the unlawful and intentional taking of property or money from another person. Robbery may involve the use of violence, force, threat, and assault. Other types of robbery that have been criminalized in Florida include robbery with a deadly weapon, robbery by sudden snatching, robbery with a firearm, carjacking, and home invasion robbery.
Criminal Trespass
It refers to when someone enters another person’s property and remains there without proper authorization. The severity of criminal trespass charges may vary depending on the type of property involved or whether the offender had a firearm or a dangerous weapon.
Auto Theft
Stealing a motor vehicle is considered a felony in Florida. It is also referred to as grand theft auto and the crime is often influenced by the value of the motor vehicle in question. An alleged offender may be charged with carjacking depending on the use of force, assault, violence, or fear of the owner of the motor vehicle. Note that, even taking someone else’s vehicle for joyriding may result in grand theft auto charges, regardless of whether or not the vehicle is returned.
Elderly Exploitation
Our senior loved ones are the most vulnerable people in society. Suffering from mental health issues among other illnesses may leave them open to predation and exploitation from family members, friends, and strangers. Elderly exploitation may involve financial, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. Family members who act as the power of attorney may use this to exploit their elderly loved ones.
Scheme to Fraud
It is a form of criminal conspiracy that involves a felony offense with criminal fraud and criminal conspiracy. Fraud is referred to when individuals attempt to acquire funds or property from another individual through dishonest or fraudulent means. Scheme to fraud is still a crime even if no action was ever taken.
Resisting Recovery of Stolen Property
As mentioned above, theft is a criminal offense under Florida law. Additionally, if an alleged offender prevents stolen property from being recovered will face additional criminal charges. It is a misdemeanor offense and is often taken seriously in court because it is an obstruction of justice.
If you or your loved one have suffered any of these types of theft under Florida Law, kindly reach out to Klotzman Law Firm. We have experience in handling these cases and will help you recover your stolen property among other things. Call us now and get in touch with our Miami, FL theft lawyers. We are here to help.
What Should I Do After a Theft in Florida?
Make sure you follow these steps to avoid further harm to yourself or your property in the event of a theft in Florida.
- You need to remain calm and avoid resisting. Make sure the robber knows that you will cooperate by not making quick or unexpected movements.
- Make mental notes of the robber’s appearance such as height, age, hair, race, and eye color. If they have tattoos, you need to make note of them. Take note of any weapon they may have too.
- After the robbery, you need to go to a safe location and report the crime.
- Finally, you need to contact your attorney immediately to help you with handling the authorities. Certainly, you need to make sure that all your property is fully recovered and that’s where Klotzmas Property Damage Law, comes in handy. We have handled various types of theft in Florida and are ready to help you if you or your loved one have been a victim of theft.
Is My Property Protected Against Theft By Insurance?
If you have a comprehensive auto insurance policy, you are fully protected against theft and vandalism. As for your home or property insurance, you need to check the clauses under your policy to make sure you are protected against any type of theft on your property.
What If My Insurance Denies My Theft Claim?
Do you believe that your insurer has denied your theft claim incorrectly? Well, you are allowed to appeal the decision. Remember, most insurance companies have their own policies and protocol in place. These will help determine the rules that allow you to appeal any decisions they have made.
Well, you don’t have to handle your insurer on your own. At Klotzman Law Firm, we are ready to help you if your insurance claim has been denied. We have worked with numerous insurance companies over the years we have been in business. Therefore, we understand their policies and tactics. We are here to make sure that your valid theft claim is honored and that you don’t have to suffer anymore.
How Can A Miami Theft Lawyer Help Me After My Theft
At Klotzman Law Firm, we are here to help after your theft. You need to call us immediately after the incident so we can start establishing the facts of your case. Our job involves interviewing any witnesses present, collecting evidence, and negotiating with your insurer. On the other hand, if your case ends up in court, we are ready to handle it for you with our extensive litigation experience.
Contact Klotzman Law Firm Today!
If you or your loved one has been the victim of theft, we understand that you may be traumatized by the event. We are here to make sure that you don’t suffer any more physical or emotional damage. At Klotzman Law Firm, we will make sure that you will be fully compensated for anything you have gone through after a theft. With our experience, we will make sure that you don’t suffer further consequences.
Our Miami theft lawyers are here to make sure that you are safe after a theft. We will initiate the legal processes with your insurer and law enforcement so you don’t have to suffer further trauma from the event. Call us now at 954-915-7405
and let us help you after a theft in Florida.

Written By Scott Klotzman
Scott is passionate about holding insurance companies accountable. As the Founder of Klotzman Law Firm, he fulfills his dream of helping people and making a difference. After earning his undergraduate degree, Scott worked at a top NYC law firm before attending Quinnipiac University School of Law, where he earned his degree and met his wife, Nancy.