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Miami Personal Injury & Property Damage Attorneys
Breach of Contract
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Breach of Contract

A breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to perform their obligations as specified in the agreement. In Florida, as in other jurisdictions, contract law governs the creation and enforcement of contracts.

Contracts are legally binding agreements between two or more parties, and they can take various forms, including written, verbal, or implied contracts. When a party violates the terms of a contract, it constitutes a breach, and the injured party may have legal remedies available to them.

Key Elements of Breach of Contract in Florida:

Valid Contract: To have a valid breach of contract claim in Florida, there must be a valid contract in place. A valid contract generally requires an offer, acceptance, consideration, legal capacity, and a lawful purpose.

Breach of Contract Terms: The injured party (plaintiff) must establish that the breaching party (defendant) failed to fulfill specific terms or obligations outlined in the contract. This can include failure to perform, late performance, incomplete performance, or any act contrary to the contract’s terms.

Material Breach: In Florida, a breach of contract is often classified as either a material breach or a non-material breach. A material breach is a significant failure to fulfill a substantial aspect of the contract, often going to the heart of the agreement. A material breach gives the non-breaching party substantial rights to remedies.

Notice of Breach: In some cases, the non-breaching party must provide notice to the breaching party of the breach and an opportunity to cure or rectify the breach before pursuing legal action. However, this requirement can vary based on the terms of the contract and statutory provisions.

Types of Contracts in Florida:

Florida recognizes various types of contracts, including:

Express Contracts: These are formal written or spoken contracts where the terms are explicitly stated and agreed upon by the parties.

Implied Contracts: Implied contracts are created by the conduct of the parties rather than explicit terms. Courts determine the existence of these contracts based on the circumstances and actions of the parties.

Oral Contracts: In Florida, oral contracts are generally enforceable, but they can be challenging to prove in court due to the absence of written documentation.

Unilateral Contracts: These are contracts in which one party promises to do something if the other party performs a specific act. The second party’s performance serves as acceptance and creates the contract.

Remedies for Breach of Contract in Florida:

When a breach of contract occurs in Florida, several legal remedies are available to the injured party. The choice of remedy will depend on the specific circumstances of the breach:

Compensatory Damages: The most common remedy for breach of contract is the award of compensatory damages. These damages aim to put the non-breaching party in the same position they would have been in had the contract been fully performed. Compensatory damages can include actual financial losses and any expenses incurred due to the breach.

Specific Performance: In certain cases, the court may order specific performance, compelling the breaching party to fulfill their contractual obligations as specified in the contract. This remedy is often used when the subject matter of the contract is unique, such as in real estate contracts.

Liquidated Damages: Some contracts contain clauses specifying the amount of damages to be paid in the event of a breach. These liquidated damages are meant to provide a predetermined remedy, making it easier to calculate damages.

Rescission: Rescission involves canceling the contract and returning the parties to their pre-contract positions. This remedy is available when the breach is so substantial that the contract cannot be adequately enforced.

Reformation: Reformation involves modifying the contract’s terms to accurately reflect the original agreement when a mutual mistake or misrepresentation has occurred.

Punitive Damages: In rare cases, punitive damages may be awarded to punish the breaching party for egregious or malicious conduct. Punitive damages are not typically awarded in contract cases, but they can be in instances of fraud or other wrongful behavior.

Legal Time Limits (Statute of Limitations):

Florida has a statute of limitations that sets the time limits for filing a breach of contract lawsuit. The time frame for pursuing a breach of contract claim can vary depending on the nature of the contract and the type of breach. It is essential to consult with an attorney to ensure compliance with these legal time limits.

Legal Counsel and Representation:

In cases of breach of contract, consulting with an experienced attorney is essential to understand the specific legal remedies and options available. An attorney can help assess the strength of the case, negotiate on behalf of the injured party, or initiate legal action to seek remedies for the breach of contract.

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Scott Klotzman

Written By Scott Klotzman


Scott is passionate about holding insurance companies accountable. As the Founder of Klotzman Law Firm, he fulfills his dream of helping people and making a difference. After earning his undergraduate degree, Scott worked at a top NYC law firm before attending Quinnipiac University School of Law, where he earned his degree and met his wife, Nancy.

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